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Logo Lets Support the Children

Our Mission

We support education by empowering public schools and teachers with tools necessary for a better education.

Our Values

Commitment to integrity in education

Every community counts and it is our focus to help disadvantaged schools in getting the same quality education. Together we can make a difference in a continuous effort and bring the best of every child’s creativity, fostering the love of learning.

Commitment to diversity

Our organization promotes diversity and antibullying programs. We like to hear schools create a peaceful learning environment where every kid counts.

founder Lets Support the children

Our Story

The idea of supporting the public school system started back in 2010, when our founder JJ Medina was actively serving in the U.S. Army. His family moved a lot, due to the nature of being a serviceman. In the process he saw many communities and noticed the challenges US public schools and their teachers often face each year. Teachers want to bring to light class fun class projects, but the reality is often hard. His daughter Jasmine attended many public schools, and there was always a project going, or activity that the school wanted to do, but could not do it. 

When finally, 2019 came the year to found “Let’s Support the Children” his daughter loved the idea and decided to hand draw her dad the logo. It has taken years to get the first founding blocks, and with many difficulties, we are here to help.

While public education is free, schools still need additional funding to empower teachers to carry out projects, and effectively teach. Let’s Support the Children, is there to make sure each student is not left behind and can benefit from an enhanced creative teaching program.